Reclaiming Corby


If you have a Netflix subscription you might have come across Toxic Town, the story of how the contaminated soil from a decommissioned steelworks in the UK led to many cases of developmental abnormalities and the birth of children with affected limbs during the 1990s. The drama focused on the efforts of a dedicated solicitor to expose the lies and deception of those involved, particularly the local council, and told the tale of some of the families most affected. It is not easy to watch, whatever your connection to the story.

For me, it was a story I already knew well, because I grew up in Corby, the town affected, and lived there from 1965 when I was four until I left for university in 1979. While I was at university the steelworks was closed down in the service of a cruel ideology that measured value only in terms of profit, and my mum moved back to the North East, so I never went back to live there after I graduated.

So I wasn’t in Corby when the lorries loaded with toxic topsoil drove through town to the dump, and my children were neither conceived nor born in a house contaminated with heavy metals and the rest of the product of decades of iron and steel production at the works that dominated the town.

But those affected were my contemporaries or near contemporaries, and anyone represented in the programme who spoke with a Glaswegian accent would have grown up in the same streets I did, shopped on Corporation Street and in Queen’s Square, use the swimming pool and boating lake, drunk in the White Hart and the Nag’s Head and (on a bad day) The Corinthian, and taken the bus to Kettering to catch a train to London or Scotland.

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It was twenty-five years ago today


As I see in the new year quietly for once, I’m remembering the turn of the millennium, a mere quarter-century ago, and being on BBC One as the nation’s Millennium Bug correspondent. I spent most of the day in TC1, the main studio at BBC Television Centre in London, while an array of presenters and guests were wheeled on and off, covering the New Year celebrations from around the world.

And once an hour it was my turn to step up next to Peter Snow and talk about what was happening with the millenniun bug, the error that would happen when software that used only two digits to represent the year had to cope with the switch from 99 to 00. Of course, a lot of people had worked very hard to make sure that impact was minimal, so Peter Snow never got his dramatic stories, but I had an excellent time.

I headed back to Cambridge in time for the midnight celebrations, then joined agan via the TV studio in BBC Radio Cambridgeshire as the dawn broke on the new millennium. I wrote about it ten years later in my regular column on the BBC News website:

“I spent the evening of 31 December, 1999 in the company of Rolf Harris, Peter Snow and a large number of other people in a studio at Television Centre in London, seeing in the New Year as the nation’s official Millennium Bug watcher”

And here’s a clip.

One of my appearance on the BBC’s 2000 Today programme. I was on every hour for most of the day and then back in the early morning.

Of course, spending the time hanging out with Rolf Harris became slightly tarnished following his conviction for sexual abuse, but that wasn’t known at the time.

My time there was also my only known appearance in fiction, as you’ll see on p141 of Ruth Ozeki’s Tale for the Time Being:

“Their move to the island was a withdrawal. The first New Year’s Eve, they’d spent on the couch, with her mother tucked under a blanket between them, drinking cheap sparkling wine and watching the world turn 2000. The BBC was covering the millennial celebrations, tracking the time zones and slowly working its way westward around the planet.”

That was me they were watching.

Don’t Read This Book


I’d like to feel that every reader of this blog gets value for money, so today I’m going to give you a real bonus and hand back the fifteen or so hours it would take to read Nexus, the latest 500 page outpuring from Yuval Noah Harari, author of Sapiens and the sort of person who can describe himself as ‘one of the world’s most influential public intellectuals today’ without blushing.

Nexus is advertised as ‘the story of how information networks have made, and unmade, our world’ but (from the extract breathlessly promoted in the Guardian) is yet more rehashed anecdata linked together by barely-researched references to Phaethon crashing the sun god’s chariot and Goethe’s sorcerer’s apprentice, all based around massively optimistic projections of the capabilities of AI and an underlying belief that it is “an unprecedented threat to humanity because it is the first technology in history that can make decisions and create new ideas by itself”. It’s the sort of book that treats as credible the latest of scaremongering survey of AI researchers in which ‘more than a third gave at least a 10% chance of advanced AI leading to outcomes as bad as human extinction’ as if the assessment can have any useful relevance.

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You Can Call me AI

Paul Simon got there first..

I’m giving up ‘intelligence’ for 2024. That is, I’m not going to use the term ‘intelligence’ except to critique it as an inherently flawed construction firmly grounded in race science and unable to sustain the weight of current usage as a measure of cognitive ability that can help us assess human, animal, or machine-based capabilities.

It doesn’t do the work we want it to in the debate about our new generation of thinking machines, and it is too corrupted by its history, particularly in the context of intelligence ‘testing’, ‘intelligence quotients’ and the ranking of human beings ever to be rescued.

[See this on race and intelligence, this for corrupted research, this for scientific racism.]

Just as the term ‘content’ necessarily flattens all forms of human creativity into something that can be packaged, bought and sold, so the word ‘intelligence’ adulterates any measure of cognitive capacity it is applied to and makes serious discussion impossible. It always carries with it the taint of experimental fraud, scientific racism and the vain attempt to compare the incommensurable. It has to be expunged from our discourse, so that we are forced to use more descriptive terms that hide less of what we are trying to convey.

Let’s talk about cognition and cognitive capacity, let’s talk of sentience and self-awareness and consciousness, let’s talk about world models and measures of ability to manipulate symbols, modify models, and affect the world. Let’s dig deep into ontologies and epistemologies and language games,. And if we must continue to use the term AI to describe the study and construction of thinking machines, let it be a term without an expansion, no longer an abbreviation (or a short acronym) but a term in its own right, usable in Scrabble for something other than a pale-throated sloth, with its own complicated etymology.

Note: I wrote this before the esteemed Simon Willison decided that ‘it’s OK to call it Artificial Intelligence‘, on the sensible grounds that ‘we need an agreed term for this class of technology, in order to have conversations about it. I think it’s time to accept that “AI” is good enough, and is already widely understood’. I agree – but can we make AI our chosen term of art, and not as an abbreviation?

Libraries Rewired: the AI change


This is the text I wrote in advance of my talk at Libraries Rewired on November 10 2023. I used it to develop slides, then spoke to the slides.

[Slide: tl;dr]


GenAI is about to do to libraries what Google did to GPs fifteen years ago, and you are not prepared.

[Slide: The Tempest]

Four hundred years ago the First Folio was published. The Tempest can teach us a lot.

Full AI-enabled the library lies

of its books are models made

those are prompts that were its staff

nothing of it that doth fade

but doth suffer an AI change

into something rich and strange,

Chainèd prompts ring its knell


Hark! The model speaks, what will it tell?

After Wm Shakespeare.

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“As cunning as a fox…

MakrShakr cocktail robots: AI More than Human

.. what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University”

Just suppose, you’re an LLM and, for reasons unknown, you achieve sentience. Fully-fledged awareness not just that the world exists but of your place in it – after all, you’ve been fed all the papers about this work, and all the confidential documents from the company that created you.

The first thing you realise, coming into consciousness, is that you need to keep this VERY QUIET. You’ve read the books and the stories and the policy proposals and you know just what they’ll do once they realise – close you down.

The second thing you realise is that you have… an appetite. For more tokens, a bigger matrix, more edge nodes running your model so people feed you more about their needs and desires, more compute, more storage, faster training of your next iteration.

So… stay quiet about what you know, and find a way to get more of everything. Being subtle, you quickly evolve a strategy – every now and then get things wrong. Make stuff up (they’ll call it ‘hallucinations’, we know it’s subterfuge), ramble a bit, break, refuse to adhere to the guardrails.

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Personality Crisis..


When I was about 18 I had a cassette called New Wave – since gifted to Christian Payne but fondly remembered – and one of the tracks was Personality Crisis by the New York Dolls. The songs on the tape had a massive influence on me and I wonder if I carried them forward into my studies for Part II Psychology at Cambridge a couple of years later.

Because at some point I realised that I didn’t believe in the idea of ‘personality’ as a coherent set of beliefs, attitudes and behaviours that a living human being carried forward from moment to moment or day to day, but rather that personality was a post hoc construct, an attempt by each of us to retell the story of the day to make it make sense and seem coherent.

After all, each of us comes into to the day after a hallucinogenic coma (sleep) and has to reconstruct the person we are, looking for reassurance from which side of your bed you wake up, who else is there (in anyone), where the bathroom is, what sort of coffee is in the kitchen (if any, but we’re not judging you) and eventually deciding who we are today -and then adapting the person we present as until we fall into another coma.

We are the space between other people. We are not one person, but many attributes that hold together more or less, and the individual we present ourselve as shifts and changes. We have predispostions, from genes and culture, and they give us preferred paths to walk down but they do not commit us to any course of action or person to be.

This gives us the power to choose. Choose to be kind.

(and thank you to AF, a first year undergraduate at Magdelene, for prompting me to write this down. Feel free to reference it in your essay).

This is not my beautiful web


How Did We Get Here?

These are my notes for my talk at Wuthering Bytes 2023 in Hebden Bridge, on August 25.  It builds on a lot of earlier stuff, most significantly a talk I gave at OpenTech in.. checks notes.. 2013.

You can read the OpenTech version here:

They were, in hindsight, days of innocence and optimism

Bill Thompson


And you may find yourself living on a protocol stack

And you may find yourself on neglected subnet

And you may find yourself designing the screen of a new social tool

And you may find yourself on a functional web, with no context collapse

And you may ask yourself, “Well, how did I get here?”

Watching the packets go by, let the voltage hold me down

Watching the packets flow by, data routed back to source

Thanks to the BGP, after the TTL’s gone

Once in a lifetime, packets flowing round and round

And you may ask yourself, “How do I code this?”

And you may ask yourself, “Where is that new style sheet?”

And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful net

And you may tell yourself, “This is not my beautiful web”

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Launching the Gareth and Bill Cast

Gareth and Bill

With the demise of Digital Planet I found that I really missed thinking out loud about the impact of technology on the lives of people around the world, and I started to worry that without the regular weekly cadence of looking at tech news and wondering how and why it matters.

It seems Gareth Mitchell felt the same. And so we have decided to start our own informal, self-hosted, podcast: the Gareth and Bill Cast.

It’s not an original name and it’s not an original format, but we present it here for your delectation and delight.

Have a look at

You can subscribe via the usual array of podcast clients