On June 19, as we head towards the solstice, my #AudioMo is a reflection on the week, and lockdown, and the importance of understanding how the pandemic is experienced elsewhere.
June 18 – #AudioMo – Reading Ramsay
StandardIt’s June 18 but I have little to say for today’s #AudioMo. I’ll read Cheryl Misak’s Frank Ramsay biography instead.
June 17 – #AudioMo – Time to Pay
StandardFor my #AudioMo for June 17 I’ve disinterred a fairly random note from over a year ago about time travel and jewel thefts. It came from a time when I travelled on trains.
June 16 – #AudioMo – Bloomsday and Holidays
StandardIn my #AudioMo for June 16 I’m reflecting on #Bloomsday and the summer to come, and wondering what will happen to holidays and travel in 2020 – and what this means for those of us who are used to the summer being a slow time in the office.
June 15 – #AudioMo – Made With Intent
StandardIt’s June 15 and a change of topic for me in #AudioMo – away from space, and into time as I reflect on the small object that sits on my desk and keeps me company as I write.
June 14 – #AudioMo – Being There
StandardHeading into #AudioMo for June 14 and I’m picking up on the extended conversation about presence and space in our blended world, with @katesparkle @Omaniblog @willsh & @diva_diplomatic – but this time from the beach.
June 13 – #AudioMo – Reclaiming Public Space
StandardIn my #AudioMo for June 13 I reflect on the ways we can reconfigure public space as we adapt to Covid-19, and how we need those who own private space to adapt.
June 12 – #AudioMo – No More Commuting
StandardMy AudioMo contribution for June 12 is a reflection on commuting – or its absence. And a realisation that it’ll never go back to the way it was before.
June 11 – #AudioMo – Toppling Networks
StandardMy #AudioMo post for June 11 is a meditation on how hard it can seem to change systems.
June 10 – #AudioMo – Ecological Debt
StandardHere’s my #AudioMo for June 10. I wrote a thing and recorded it for @marcusromer’s ShedX and so I’m playing the first part of it here and you can listen to the rest via Marcus
The text and the ShedX version