It’s June 30 and the last day of #AudioMo, so I thought I’d talk about the process and the people and the joys of random chat.
June 29 – #AudioMo – The Ways We Talk
StandardFor the penulimate day of #AudioMo, June 29, I’m thinking about how language shapes thought, and how the words we use and the metaphors we choose can affect the ways we engage with others, especially when it comes to military metaphors.
June 28 – #AudioMo – The Joy of Email
StandardJune 28, Sunday #AudioMo is a shoutout to the people who keep me informed about the world. You might find them interesting too…
Dan Hon: @hondanhon
Ira Bolychevsky: @shevski
Azeem Azhar: @azeem
Christian Payne: @documentally
David Finnigan: @davidfinig
June 27 – #AudioMo – Becoming an Audience
StandardJune 27, and today’s #AudioMo finds me missing that peculiar state of being together that we call ‘an audience’ and worrying about the future of live venues here in the UK.
June 26- #AudioMo – Reflecting Privilege
StandardIt’s June 26 and the final stretch for #AudioMo, where I am reflecting on how I tell the story of my life, and what I don’t say in the process.
June 25 – #AudioMo – How to Ignore a Crisis
StandardNinety days on a boat and in my #AudioMo for June 25 I reflect on how good we are at ignoring the enormity of what’s going on. With added cat sounds.
June 24 – #AudioMo – Making A Video
StandardWednesday June 24 and another #AudioMo, this time about filming, and being a councillor.
June 23- #AudioMo – Plague Inc.
StandardMy #AudioMo for June 23 is something I wrote in 2017, about a group of young people playing Plague, Inc. and what I thought about it at the time.
June 22- #AudioMo – Letters and Poems
StandardMy #AudioMo for June 22, and I’m looking at pieces of paper and reflecting on what they mean, with memories of those distant and lost.
More about Beatie Wolfe
June 21 – #AudioMo – Remembering Hugh Mellor
StandardJune 21, and my #AudioMo tonight is a remembrance of Hugh Mellor, the philosopher and a former teacher of mine, who died today. With passing boats.
Photo of the Philosophy Library by Sebastian Ballard / CC BY-SA